This was the maze book for week 9, where we did location drawing within and around the Hive. I really enjoyed changing up the composition this week with the new book method, which gave a whole next context and sequence to the work, as well as changing how it could be viewed!
Unfortunately I seem to have made an error in the maze book itself, as it doesn't open out correctly, or this could be because I haven't drawn on both sides of the book so it shows some empty spaces. I wish looking back that I had filled both sides, as the work looks a little unfinished at the moment. This may be something that I go back to at a later date to finish, because I really enjoyed it.
This aside, I am pleased with the outcome of the maze book. I tried to vary my mediums and be quite experimental with composition, using the interesting sequential layout the maze book offered. I enjoyed looking at both the people and the structures within the library, and I am especially pleased with some of the line drawings, such as the tonal drawing of the criss-cross skylight, as seen in the pictures below. As an improvement I think I would try to incorporate more context to some of the images, mainly the people, by drawing the scene around them.