WEEKS 11-12
Independent Study - Drawing Reporter
The second task was to create a drawing for each of the words in this list:
- Frightening
- Erotic
- Transcendent
- Passive
- Fevered
- Muffled.
I chose to do this in my home town because I felt that I knew it better than Worcester so I'd be able to find locations which suited the words more easily. Unfortunately I have only managed four of the words, but I would like to complete the remaining two at a later date when I'm next at home.
As you can see I experimented with a range of mediums on this task. I enjoyed having this freedom so made the most of paint as well as pencils and charcoal. On the whole I believe my drawings are quite successful and communicate the words well. For 'Fevered' I chose to draw a carpark, but ended up making more of a collaged drawing of multiple carpark scenes as well as roads. I think this composition choice actually strengthens the communication of the word. The bright colours and mix of paint and oil pastel help with this as well.
One of the drawings I would maybe like to work back into would be the pencil and pen continuous line drawing for 'Muffled'. While the emptiness and negative space do create a sense of atmosphere, I don't think that the piece looks finished as the empty space dominates the page.